Battle for Wesnoth Add-ons
Return of the Lagomorphs
A battle between three different lagomorph factions
This Battle for Wesnoth add-on, currently still in development, will provide two new campaigns, new multiplayer eras (with new factions), new scenarios, and new mods for multiplayer play. Three of the new factions in the Return of the Lagomorphs era include the magical nature-loving Lagomorphs, the former lagomorph slave-owning human kingdom known as Heris, and the mysterious Neirisylvian Lagomorphs.
In the Return of the Lagomorphs campaign, join the human knight Lissord as the Kingdom of Heris discovers the lagomorphs for the first time. In this more traditional Wesnoth campaign, assist Lissord in protecting the vulnerable lagomorphs from human exploitation!
In the Down the Rabbit Hole campaign, explore the mysterious world of the lagomorphs with a bunch of delinquent magicians studying on the periphery of lagomorph forests. Join the shy Melgywynn as she ventures deeper and deeper into the woods where even elves dare to tread, solving puzzles, avoiding traps, and overcoming many a hazard and hardship along the way!
Current development build of this add-on is available upon request; contact my Twitter by DM!